We use state-of-the-art, portable diagnostic tools to capture rich image data to inform a clear diagnosis for your horse. With a clear diagnosis we can make the appropriate treatment protocols for your horse and you can be back doing what you love in the most efficient amount of time. The portability of our diagnostic tools means we can help you find the answer at your horse’s barn—without the hassle of hauling in.

Digital Radiology


Osteochondrosis Dessicans (OCD) in the equine hock

- Short stride in the affected hind limb
- Difficulty maintaining a lead
- Sore back


Digital Ultrasound


Tear in the Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon

- Swelling in the limb
- Head nod when walking or trotting
- Resistance under saddle
- Reluctance to turn a specific direction




Equine Stomach Ulcers

- Irritability while being groomed
- Changes in attitude
- Resistance under saddle
- Loss of appetite
- Cribbing

Stress related habits like these can all be signs of gastric ulcers, but are often dismissed as “bad behavior”. Don’t overlook the potential that ulcers could be the cause.



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Board Certified Radiologist

Solas Equine has partnered with Puchalski Equine Diagnostic Imaging to provide the best interpretation for your radiographs and collaboration with a specialist.